had the privilege of witnessing the mesmerizing collaboration between the renowned fashion duo Shantnu Nikhil and the Cricket Club @sncricketclub during the FDCI India Men’s Weekend @fdciofficial. One standout model, Madi, graced the runway in a display of style and sophistication that left a lasting impression on fashion enthusiasts.
The showcase, aptly titled “Cruising with Shantnu Nikhil Cricket Club,” seamlessly blended contemporary fashion with the spirit of cricket. Madi strutted down the runway, embodying the fusion of elegance and sportsmanship that defines Shantnu Nikhil’s creations.
Shantnu Nikhil, a bridge-to-luxury brand celebrated for its embrace of Indian roots with a modern twist, showcased their commitment to timeless elegance at the FDCI event. Madi’s presence added a touch of allure to the collection, epitomizing the brand’s aesthetic.
This collaboration not only showcased the creative prowess of Shantnu Nikhil but also underlined the intersection of fashion and sports, creating a memorable experience for all who attended the India Men’s Weekend.